For professionals, you can directly access your rates. Prices are displayed excluding VAT and already discounted. To view your rates, you must have a pro account. It is a free process in 3 steps that you can do yourself.
Step 1: Creating a pro account (fig 1)
The first step is to create a customer account. Fill in optional information like "company" and "Tax Identification Number" (siret), this information will be very useful for accounting and processing your orders. (fig 1)
You can subscribe to our newsletter if you wish. As soon as your account is created, you will receive a confirmation email. Be careful with some hosts or email software, it can happen in spam.
Step 2: Create your contact details (fig 2 and 3)
Once your account is created, go to the bottom of the site (footer) and click on "my account", then on the box "add a first address" (fig 2). In this step, you will enter address and contact information.
A new form appears (fig 3). Thank you for completing it with all the information necessary for the management of the relationship of professional customers. VAT number, telephone number and address are necessary to accompany you in the best way.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3
Step 3: Contact your sales representative
As soon as your account is created you, do not have immediate access to your rates. Action on our part is needed. Please contact your sales representative by email in the "quote contact" section, select: "professional customer - BtoB". Specify in your message that you are a business customer.
Our webmaster will integrate you into our Pro customer base and you will receive an email notifying you that your account is operational.
All you have to do is log out and log in again to access your specific rates.